What is your cancellation/rescheduling policy?

  • Cancellations within 1 week or less will result in a forfeit in your retainer fee on all packages.

  • Clients reserve the right to reschedule any session with 24hrs of scheduled shoot. Any rescheduling done after 24hr window must be done before start time and will result in a $50 rescheduling fee.

Do you provide props?

  • I will inform client of props I have on hand that may be beneficial to their shoot. If the clients wants to use a prop I do not have they will be responsible for providing it themselves.

  • No Champagne popping, heavy bubble blowing, or any use of liquids that will not stay within an object or sealed within the studio.

Do you travel?

  • My travel packages are time-specific so please ensure travel time is correct so I can accommodate your session and everyone else sessions accordingly.

  • If you would like to book a session that exceeds my travel time, contact me directly.

How long does it take to get photos back?

  • Turnaround times are detailed in packages.

  • You can pay for a rush turnaround on photos. Photos must be chosen and payment must be sent before the time on rush photos begins.

  • Additional edits are not included in rushed photos.

Additional Terms

  • My studio can hold up five people comfortably. If you want to do a in-studio session for more than 5 people please contact me before booking.